For drivers of all levels - novice to experienced. You will apply all the skills developed over three days of intensive training that will culminate in fully exploring the limits of our Formula race cars.
Again, our onboard data acquisition and video systems are used to give you the exacting sort of direct, on-the-spot feedback that will allow you to fine-tune your driving performance.
Successful graduates of this program have the qualifications to apply for a Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) Novice Road Racing License.
ABRS starts with the fundamentals and has the ability to guide a serious driver through all of the advanced techniques used at the top levels of professional racing.
Allen Berg Racing Schools now offers a full range of SCCA race license accreditation. From Novice to full Race Licensing, please contact us for further details.
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Formula Car Three-Day
USD $7,695 - $7,995